Responsive Montgomery County White Collar Crime Attorney Fights Your Criminal Charges

Obtain Comprehensive Defense from our Criminal Attorneys in Montgomery County

White collar crime charges can destroy your career — unless you work with a diligent attorney to establish your defense. The criminal law attorneys at Fiore & Barber, LLC work hard to collect evidence and argue on your behalf. We believe in open and honest communication to establish a strong relationship with you, giving us the ability to make convincing arguments on your behalf. With our 29 combined years of legal experience, we know how to approach your case from all angles, forming a strong defense that improves your chances of keeping your career and your future intact.

We Represent you in a Wide Range of White Collar Crime Cases

White collar crime cases are often extremely complex because detailed financial records must be researched to establish a solid defense. It requires a good deal of patience and experience to weather the challenges these cases provide. We analyze all relevant documents in your case and collect other evidence to bolster our arguments for you. Some white collar crime cases we take on include:

  • Corporate theft
  • Fraud
  • Embezzlement
  • Identity theft
  • Extortion
  • Conspiracy

All of these charges could lead to significant criminal penalties without the help of a hard-working lawyer at your side. Let us work with you to protect your future.

Criminal Defense Attorneys in Montgomery County who Deliver Positive Results

Our attorneys leverage their knowledge of criminal law and their significant legal experience to provide you with aggressive, potent defense. We understand how to present your case to a judge and jury and how to stay on the offensive. Our strategy gives us the ability to deliver results such as:

  • Dismissed cases. We fight to get your charges completely dropped.
  • Less strict punishments. We seek reduced sentences or fines on your behalf.
  • Hope. We guarantee unparalleled effort in your case to give you hope for a better future.

Work with a Criminal Defense Attorney in Montgomery County now

Call the attorneys at Fiore & Barber, LLC today at 215-256-0205 or contact us online to arrange a free consultation visit. It is important to get in touch with a lawyer as soon as possible so that we can begin compiling evidence and building a relationship with you. We enjoy defending your freedom and stay in constant communication with you. Let us stand beside you and give you the comprehensive defense that is your right.

With offices in Harleysville and Center Valley, PA, Fiore & Barber, LLC serves clients in Montgomery County and Bucks County in southeastern Pennsylvania, including the Municipality of Norristown and the Borough of Doylestown.

Fiore & Barber, LLC

418 Main Street
Suite 100
Harleysville, PA 19438
Map of Fiore & Barber, LLC law offices
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