DUI Expungement – Clearing Your DUI Record in PA

Clearing Your Criminal Record After a DUI Arrest in Pennsylvania

Criminal record expungement is the process of removing specific arrests and charges from the criminal record. Not all arrests and charges may be removed from a criminal record, but some DUI arrests and charges can be expunged.

Criminal records should be expunged, if possible, so that employee background checks do not uncover records of the arrest and disposition. Furthermore, if you receive Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) you will not have to disclose a conviction or charge to anyone, including current or prospective employers. It is important to retain an attorney who can not only help you with your DUI record expungement but who will be diligent in making sure that Pennsylvania and federal agencies follow through with court-ordered directives and destroy these records.

It is important to note that PennDOT will keep a record of the DUI charge against you, even if it is handled through Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition and expunged. Some employers, like trucking companies, will still be able to find out about the charge. The information will also be available to law enforcement agencies in the event that you get a subsequent DUI or DWI arrest.

Help With DUI Record Expungement in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

At the law firm of Fiore & Barber, LLC, our Norristown DUI record expungement lawyers will help you weigh your options and pursue the record expungement option that protects your rights and interests in the immediate circumstances and in the long run. Even if we did not represent you in your DUI case, we can help you with your expungement.

To discuss your case with a lawyer who understands the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition system and who will fight for the best outcome available under the law in your DUI or other criminal case, call us at 215-256-0205 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.

With offices in Harleysville and Center Valley, PA, Fiore & Barber, LLC serves clients in Montgomery County and Bucks County in southeastern Pennsylvania, including the Municipality of Norristown and the Borough of Doylestown.

Fiore & Barber, LLC

418 Main Street
Suite 100
Harleysville, PA 19438
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