Ignition Interlock Devices

Information From Our DUI Attorneys in Pennsylvania:
Norristown, Montgomery County and Harleysville

Under Pennsylvania law, a person convicted of a second or subsequent DUI offense within 10 years may be required to install an ignition interlock device on any and all vehicles he or she drives. This is in addition to any other penalties — including jail time, driver’s license suspension and fines — that the court decides to impose.

Ignition interlock devices are expensive to install and inconvenient to use. At the Harleysville DUI defense law firm of Fiore & Barber, LLC, we have represented thousands of clients in DUI cases and we have observed the frustrations and costs associated with the installation of ignition interlock devices.

If you have been arrested on a second or subsequent DUI within a 10-year period, contact our law firm for aggressive defense aimed at avoiding conviction and the associated consequences, including jail time and required installation of an ignition interlock device.

What Are Ignition Interlock Devices?

Ignition interlock is a system that is installed — at the expense of the person convicted of the DUI — on a vehicle to prevent driving under the influence of alcohol. The ignition interlock device (IID) prevents the car from starting until the driver has blown into the device and registered a clean blood alcohol content (BAC). Furthermore, at random times while the driver is driving, the IID will prompt the driver to blow into the IID to keep the vehicle in operation.

The individual required to install the IID must pay for all associated expenses, including renting the IID from a vendor at an approximate cost of $1,000. The IID must be installed before the driver can have his or her driver’s license reinstated after a qualifying conviction. The IID must remain installed on all cars the driver uses for a period of at least one year.

Our Aggressive Defense Lawyers Fight to Protect Your Freedom to Drive

If you are facing a second or subsequent DUI arrest, you should know that installation of an ignition interlock device is one of the possible penalties you face. The criminal defense lawyers of Fiore & Barber, LLC have helped thousands of clients with their DUI cases — and we want to help you. Call us today at 215-256-0205 or contact us online to arrange a free consultation. Our hours are flexible to meet your needs.

With offices in Harleysville and Center Valley, PA, Fiore & Barber, LLC serves clients in Montgomery County and Bucks County in southeastern Pennsylvania, including the Municipality of Norristown and the Borough of Doylestown.

Fiore & Barber, LLC

1690 Sumneytown Pike
Suite 250
Lansdale, PA 19446
Map of Fiore & Barber, LLC law offices
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