Real Estate

Whether you are purchasing or selling residential or commercial real estate, Fiore & Barber are necessary members of your team.

Residential Real Estate

Real Estate ConceptWhen purchasing residential real estate, wouldn’t it be nice to have someone guide you through the process? An experience legal professional, can help you review the real estate purchase documents, find and procure home inspection experts, negotiate with or for you with the seller, the brokers, the title insurance company and the banks or lending institutions, and attend the settlement to ensure that the transaction is completed.

If you are a seller of residential real estate, an experience legal professional can help you review the real estate purchase documents, review the home inspection experts report, negotiate with or for you with the buyer, the brokers, and the title insurance company, negotiate any title issues that may arise, and attend the settlement to ensure that the transaction is completed.

In today’s real estate market, the services offered by Fiore & Barber are invaluable.

Residential Real Estate Construction Disputes

Disputes between a contractor or a construction company and a customer are all too common. Disputes often arise out of delays in getting the work down, unsatisfactory work, or a customer’s failure to make payments. Construction-related disputes can consume a lot of time and money on the part of everyone involved. In many cases, the expense involved in pursuing a dispute is far out of proportion to the money actually at stake. An attorney with experience in construction disputes can help you pursue your claim in an efficient, cost-effective manner.

If you, or someone you know needs representation, please contact Fiore & Barber, LLC at 215-256-0205 or via email. Our initial consultation is free of charge, and if we offer competitive rates.

Commercial Real Estate

iStock_000000443584XSmallWhen purchasing or selling commercial residential real estate, it is imperative that you have an experience legal professional as part of your team. Commercial real estate purchasers have fewer protections than do residential real estate purchasers.

Commercial real estate transactions can turn out to be a mine field for buyers who have not hired the right professionals. Zoning issues, environmental issues, and title insurance issues to name a few are all looming just around the corner. Your failure to recognize and resolve these issues may resolve in your loss of rights and severe monetary damages.

The attorneys at Fiore & Barber are experienced in commercial real estate transaction and can help you conduct all of the necessary due diligence to make sure that your transaction is completed and a successful one.

Commercial Real Estate Disputes

We recognize that construction related disputes significantly increase the cost of building projects. They also jeopardize important business relationships. Fiore & Barber, LLC is committed to providing proactive legal advice and representation geared toward establishing and protecting the business relationships involved in construction projects.

Our lawyers are familiar with all aspects of Pennsylvania construction law. From contract bidding, negotiation and preparation to surety issues, and construction claims to lquality of workmanship, and materials issues, we have the experience, skill and knowledge necessary to protect our clients’ interests.

Construction litigation is a foreseeable aspect of all construction projects. Fiore & Barber, LLC is prepared to litigate construction disputes anywhere in Pennsylvania. Our strength is identifying and resolving disputes before litigation commences, and then after they arise using alternative dispute resolution (ADR) techniques, such as mediation and arbitration. This method of dispute resolution fits our philosophy of resolving construction disputes in the most efficient, cost-effective, and well-organized manner possible, while working hard to preserve existing business relationships.

If you, or someone you know needs representation, please contact Fiore & Barber, LLC at 215-256-0205 or via email. Our initial consultation is free of charge, and if we offer competitive rates.

Disclaimer: The material contained on this website is afforded for information purposes only. The materials do not constitute legal advice and does not create an attorney/client relationship.

Fiore & Barber, LLC

418 Main Street
Suite 100
Harleysville, PA 19438
Map of Fiore & Barber, LLC law offices
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